Excel Roman Numerals

Excel Roman Numerals

Excel Roman Numerals

You can use Excel’s ROMAN function in a formula whenever you need to express normal, Arabic numbers as Roman numerals. 

Excel ROMAN function

Just type “=r” into a cell and you will see a list of Excel functions pop up, then double-click ROMAN in the list to start your formula. If you like using the keyboard then type-in “=ro” and press the TAB key.

Enter the reference of the cell containing the number you want converted, in this case it’s B3. Then press ENTER and you’re done. Excel’s ROMAN function converts positive numbers up to a maximum of 3999. The optional Form argument gives you a choice of up to four degrees of simplification of the classic Roman form. For example, the value of 2500 can not be simplified and is expressed as roman MMD. However, 2499 is MMCDXCIX in the classic form but MMID in the simplified form. 

Enter your formula as =ROMAN(B3,FALSE) for the simplified form or use a number from 1 to 3 for the less simplified forms, i.e. =ROMAN(B3,2) gives you MMXDIX. Just enter the formula as =ROMAN(B3) if it can’t be simplified.

I’m glad we don’t have to use roman numerals in our Excel worksheets, it’s no wonder that Maximus was always in such a bad mood.

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.


Excel’s ARABIC function

Excel ARABIC function

If you’ve already got Roman numerals and you want to convert them to normal, Arabic numbers, then use the ARABIC function.

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