Excel Database Tools
Excel Database Tools Training Course
Table of Contents

Excel Database Tools Overview
Our Excel Database Tools training course is for those who need to use database tools to manage information stored in Excel worksheets.
This course covers data sorting, creating forms to add, delete and change data. And how to use search criteria to generate reports.

Excel Database Tools Five Key Topics
- Excel Tables
- Excel data formulas
- Sorting Excel data
- Creating Subtotals
- AutoFilter and Advanced Filter

Excel Database Course Details
Course Duration : 1 day
Course Availability : Monday – Saturday
Course Types : Group booking, 1-2-1 sessions, Bespoke & Public Courses
Training Times : Our courses run run from 09:30 to16:30, course registration 09:00 – 09:30, refreshments available throughout the day. A buffet lunch is available – please discuss with the team.
Facilities : A relaxed environment, air conditioned training rooms, note pads, pens and unlimited access to our online course materials.

Excel Database Tools Training Course Details
Course Location : Face to face group / public & onsite training available. Virtual training courses available.
Class Size : As a guide we recommend class sizes to be no more than eight.
Virtual / Online training Format : Teams or Zoom.
Tailored Course Content : Our Excel Database courses can be tailored to your requirements – Get In Touch
Tailored Courses : We offer a free consultancy service to help tailor the course to meet your requirements.
Centre and Services
Comfortable & modern facilities
Unlimited access to our online training manuals
Complimentary lunch
Courses delivered by Certified Trainers
Microsoft & CPD courses available
Our Trainers
Steve, one of our lead Excel trainers, has over 25 years of delivering Excel from basics to development levels. All our trainers are encouraged to become Microsoft Accredited within their first year of working at Mouse Training.
Our instructors are very approachable, making the driest subject matter fun.

On Completion of Excel Database Tools
- Capture data for analysis
- Manage the screen display
- Create formulas to aggregate data
- Enter data using the Data Form
- Sort data
- Calculate SubTotals
- Use different methods
Excel Database Tools Course Outline
- Data Validation
- Excel Ranges or Tables?
- Converting a range to a table
- Using Text to Columns to split data
- Remove Duplicates
- What are the Excel database tools?
- Freeze Panes to lock the header rows or left-hand columns
- Grouping data to hide and show columns
- Structured formulas
- Entering and editing records with Excel’s Data Form
- Multiple-key sorts
- Sorting using a Custom List
- Sorting columns
- Sorting based on cell colour, font colour or icon
- Removing space characters
- Single and multiple-level Subtotals
- Using the Outlining symbols
- AutoFilter
- Creating simple and compound criteria for filtering data
- Filtering tools for Text, Number and Date fields
- Using Advanced Filter to overcome the limitations of AutoFilter by using complex and calculated criteria
Is this Database Tools Course for You?
Give us a call, our admin team will be delighted to assist in making sure you are on the correct course.