Excel VBA advanced training
Excel VBA Advanced Training Course
Table of Contents

Excel VBA Advanced Overview
Our Excel VBA Advanced training course is aimed at experienced Excel VBA users who need to move to the next level.
Create interactive User Forms, build your own Add-ins, master the use of VBA arrays, extract data from databases using SQL strings and automate the other Office applications.

Excel VBA Advanced Five Key Topics
- Master the Excel Object model
- Manipulate data in arrays
- Automatic execution
- Create interactive User Forms
- Extract data from an SQL database

Excel VBA Advanced Course Details
Course Duration : 2 days
Course Availability : Monday – Saturday
Course Types : Group booking, 1-2-1 sessions, Bespoke & Public Courses
Training Times : Our courses run run from 09:30 to16:30, course registration 09:00 – 09:30, refreshments available throughout the day. A buffet lunch is available – please discuss with the team.
Facilities : A relaxed environment, air conditioned training rooms, note pads, pens and unlimited access to our online course materials.

Excel VBA Advanced Training Course Details
Course Location : Face to face group / public & onsite training available. Virtual training courses available.
Class Size : As a guide we recommend class sizes to be no more than eight.
Virtual / Online training Format : Teams or Zoom.
Tailored Course Content : Our advanced Excel VBA courses can be tailored to your requirements – Get In Touch
Tailored Courses : We offer a free consultancy service to help tailor the course to meet your requirements.
Centre and Services
Comfortable & modern facilities
Unlimited access to our online training manuals
Complimentary lunch
Courses delivered by Certified Trainers
Microsoft & CPD courses available
Our Trainers
Steve, one of our lead Excel VBA trainers, has over 25 years of delivering Excel VBA from basics to development levels. All our trainers are encouraged to become Microsoft Accredited within their first year of working at Mouse Training.
Our instructors are very approachable, making the driest subject matter fun.
On Completion of Excel VBA Advanced Training Course
- Appreciate the Excel Object Model
- Store data in Arrays
- Use Triggers and Events
- Pass and Type argument values
- Work with Text Files
- Create User Forms
- Automate other Office applications
- Create Excel Add-Ins
Excel VBA Advanced Training Course Outline
- Exploring the Range object in detail
- CurrentRegion and UsedRange properties
- Working with collections of Workbooks and Worksheets
- Manipulating Charts and PivotTables
- Efficient variable storage with arrays
- Dynamic arrays
- The Array function
- Using the Dictionary
- Running macros automatically
- Executing macros on a timer
- Associating macros with Workbook events
- Passing data By Reference and By Value
- Importing text files
- Exporting text files
- Controls Toolbox
- Using User Form properties, events and methods
- Understanding controls
- Label controls
- Text box controls
- Command button controls
- Combo box controls
- Option button controls
- Determining the tab order
- How to launch a form in code
- Connecting with other MS Office applications
- Manipulating Access data using DAO, ADO and ADODB
- Understanding ActiveX data objects
- Using Excel to communicate with other data sources
- Understanding the connection string
- Simple SQL SELECT and INSERT INTO statements
- How macro security works
- Password protecting your code
- Creating Add-Ins
Is this introduction Course for You
A good working knowledge of Excel is recommended as well as sat our VBA Intro course
Give us a call, our admin team will be delighted to assist in making sure you are on the correct course level.